$297.00 USD

ADD-ON! A DISC personality assessment is a popular tool used to understand individual behaviors and preferences. It categorizes personalities into four main types: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C). 

This new knowledge will put you on the path to being a better leader in your business and in your life. ADD-ON for $149 includes assessment and 30-minute analysis.

Mini-Course Speak Like a Pro Series: Understanding Fear

Fear is easily defined as False Evidence Appearing Real. Statistics reveal 75% of people actually fear public speaking more than death. Can you relate? Through this mini-course, Denise will help you identify the fear(s) that’s holding you back from speaking to any-size group. You’ll work through activities, perspectives and tips to help you better understand your fear behind public speaking ... and how to overcome it.
You’ll receive:

  • 40-minute video training
  • Workbook with daily affirmations
  • Email subscription with tips and tricks on becoming a better public speaker
  • Activities to generate your thoughts of psychology behind your fear
  • Thought-provoking activities to help identify your root of fear in public speaking