Balancing Act ... or Not?

Jul 12, 2024

It is my pleasure to get to be part of the Quincy Area Chamber of Commerce's Women Empowerment Series, continuing next Thursday at the Kroc Center. There have already been two women featured this year who have stood in front of crowds and shared their stories and wow, have they moved the crowd. 

The series this year is titled "Balancing Act: Women in Business on a Path To Wellness and Success.". I'm so excited to get to share a bit about how I view balance in our lives, especially as a wife, mom, business owner, leader, coach and more. I'll give you a hint- I don't believe in it. If you're local to Quincy, I'd love for you to attend! Registration is open and can be found by clicking here. They'll even have lunch for you!  

Although I'm beyond excited to speak next week, this is so different than what I normally speak on. Usually, I'm teaching my public speaking course or how business owners can be better leaders. But for me to be the focus of the message is pushing me a bit. I was told by the chamber to get personal and share my life lessons, so I can almost promise we'll be best friends by the end of it. 

I can't wait to see you there! 

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