Your Regular Dose of Sunshine: Blog
Joy is a deep, lasting feeling of happiness and contentment. I believe we often feel joy from meaningful experiences, connections or fulfillment. Hi, my name is Denise Tallcott, and I’m a joyful person. I connect joy to my sense of purpose- providing exceptional experiences for the people I...
Out of the corner of my eye this week, I caught this view in the middle console of our vehicle. Not only did it bring a smile to my face, but man, did it encourage me to reflect on the season of life we're in.
With kids now age seven and five, we are out of the diaper stage...
I'm sure all of us can think of a time when we said, "I'm anxious today." or "Ugh, I'm angry." or "I'm scared.". Yes, we all experience negative emotions from time to time but read that again, we experience them. We are not them.
Anxiousness is an emotion. Anger is an...
Leading people is not easy. And whether you like it or not, you're a leader. You're influencing people each and every day. Do you ever feel like you're in this alone? Or you don't have someone to bounce your ideas off of? Someone to talk an idea through? Or even someone to hold you accountable...
This past week in our hometown was our county fair. We're involved in a lot, and we wouldn't want it any other way. That being said though, I would prefer the catch-all shoe area to be a different way.
As I worked late into the night last night, making up for a week full of animal...
Reflection, I've come to learn, is so powerful. It helps us be able to recognize our growth while encouraging us to take on new challenges. For me, it's also a time to reflect in gratitude. And today, and every other day, I'm so very grateful for YOU.
You are amazing, and I am blessed by...
I admit, as a K-3rd softball coach, I get way too into it. I'm cheering these girls on for even missing the ball because dangit, they tried. I wish I would have had this much passion and drive to win when I was playing in high school, if I'm being honest.
We had our last games of the season...
It is my pleasure to get to be part of the Quincy Area Chamber of Commerce's Women Empowerment Series, continuing next Thursday at the Kroc Center. There have already been two women featured this year who have stood in front of crowds and shared their stories and wow, have they moved the crowd.
This is our little man, Hudson Jude. He's confident, direct, fearless and apparently, lacks the ability to see well! Last week, we had our eye check before heading to Kindergarten in the fall, and thank goodness those are required! This kid can't see up close and has an astigmatism...
We all have varying levels of self-confidence. For me, my confidence varies based on the situation I'm in. Speaking in front of a crowd? High level of confidence. Discussing cryptocurrency with a coaching client? Low level of confidence. Helping teams learn how to better invest in their teams?...
My sister is my absolute best friend. Deanne is also the person that is the most honest with me, whether I like it or not. Recently, while going against the Romantic Classic Style ID that I am, I tried something trendy. I got my eyebrows laminated, and wasn't sure how I felt about them. If you're...
Do you have a cabinet or a drawer where you store things to use only when company comes over? Or do you have a bottle of champagne or bourbon you're saving to celebrate a specific milestone? Yeah, me too.
I think of this classy white platter that I only use when friends come over as a meat,...