How do you view the World?
Jul 10, 2024This is our little man, Hudson Jude. He's confident, direct, fearless and apparently, lacks the ability to see well! 😂 Last week, we had our eye check before heading to Kindergarten in the fall, and thank goodness those are required! This kid can't see up close and has an astigmatism that is worse than most adults. Fun, right? The ophthalmologist said he will 'See the world differently now!'.
Wow. He will see the world differently?! Trees will have leaves, the whiteboard will have letters, the tv will have shapes. And the fix is a pair of glasses? Simple yet necessary. This made me consider, do we need to see the world and/or situations differently from time to time?
Although we don't have a magic pill or pair of lenses to "fix" our viewpoints, we do have beautiful and strong minds. We have this powerful tool to change our thoughts and outlooks on people, situations and ultimately, the world. We influence ourselves as to how we view this world by the thoughts we tell our brains. Which story are you going to tell yourself? Whichever lines you choose will be how you view the world. Are you someone who oftentimes finds the problems or are you someone who finds the joy? When you consider your answer to this question, and if there are improvements that can be made, you're effectively changing the way you see the world. We believe what we tell ourselves, so why not tell ourselves a true yet optimistic story?
You don't need glasses to change your outlook. Hudson does right now, but you don't. 😉
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