I'll Step Over the Shoes!

Jul 31, 2024

This past week in our hometown was our county fair. We're involved in a lot, and we wouldn't want it any other way. That being said though, I would prefer the catch-all shoe area to be a different way.


 As I worked late into the night last night, making up for a week full of animal shows, carnival rides and cotton candy, I glanced over to the front door and saw the photo above. Usually, I would see a mess but last night, I saw smiles. I saw time spent with one another in the swine barn, little legs running to get on the scrambler ride, lives improved through pageant interviews, community service at its finest. I saw a life (and week) well-lived.


 Now, did I clean up and put away all these shoes this morning? You bet I did. But for one more night, I let the clutter stay. I wasn't ready to close the door on another fabulous fair year. So many wonderful conversations, sweaty hugs and huge smiles with people spent in community. We are better together, and a week spent at the Adams County Fair is a week spent with some of our favorite people.


 And if you were wondering whose shoes are whose, you won't ever catch me in cowboy boots. Not necessarily because I don't like them but because I was "blessed" with my dad's huge calves. IYKYK!

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