Lead, Speak, Communicate

Aug 09, 2024

Leading people is not easy. And whether you like it or not, you're a leader. You're influencing people each and every day. Do you ever feel like you're in this alone? Or you don't have someone to bounce your ideas off of? Someone to talk an idea through? Or even someone to hold you accountable for what you said you were going to do, even though it's been a few months since you said it?


Hi, my name is Denise, and I'm your accountability partner and (overly)-enthusiastic motivator. The feeling of helplessness so many of my clients felt is one of the many reasons I created Denise Tallcott Leadership. I have a true passion for helping people see their innate gifts, while encouraging them to become better leaders from the inside, out. Our pursuit of growth in personal development should never stop, and I want you to know you will always have a cheerleader in me.


I remember what it felt like to not realize my self-worth, see my value, or appreciate my gifts. It was only 10 years ago when I remember focusing too much on what I thought the other person wanted to hear rather than saying how I truly felt about a topic. You and I are not much different. It's what you do moving forward that will help you feel your true impact and find your innate gifts.

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