Make TODAY a special day
Jun 06, 2024
Do you have a cabinet or a drawer where you store things to use only when company comes over? Or do you have a bottle of champagne or bourbon you're saving to celebrate a specific milestone? Yeah, me too.
I think of this classy white platter that I only use when friends come over as a meat, fruits and vegetables tray. Or maybe it's the chocolate chip cookie dough dip, if we're being honest. 😂 Or this fancy pitcher we received as a wedding gift that I've used maybe twice because it's "too fancy" for anything but a special occasion. Or this dress I love to wear but don't often because it doesn't fit the day-to-day office vibe. And this beautiful collared shirt that fits just right but I don't want to wear too much because then it's not fancy anymore for an upcoming "special occasion." Now that I type that out, I'm wondering if it's because I don't want to steam the wrinkles out every time I wash it but nonetheless, I don't wear it as much as I'd like to.
What if we looked at each day as a special occasion?
What if today, I chose to use the platter for the meat off the grill? Or I let the kids drink out of the glass cups because they want to feel fancy? Or maybe tomorrow, I'll really let my hair down, and get the floatie out for the pool I bought specifically for me but have been saving for someone else to use first on that special occasion of them coming over. You get my drift.
Each day is truly a gift. I believe that but do I or we act in that way? I think that's an area where I can improve. Saying is one thing but acting is another. Today, I choose to act on the idea that each day is a special occasion. And what better reason to have an excuse to make that chocolate chip cookie dough dip. You'll love it, too.
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