Self-Confidence vs Self-Worth

Jun 20, 2024

We all have varying levels of self-confidence. For me, my confidence varies based on the situation I'm in. Speaking in front of a crowd? High level of confidence. Discussing cryptocurrency with a coaching client? Low level of confidence. Helping teams learn how to better invest in their teams? High level of confidence. Needing to change a tire? High level of confidence, as Dad's phone number is on my speed dial. 😂


But what about your self-worth? For those who might not know, and that was me until last year, self-worth is the fundamental sense of one's value as a person. It is the belief that you are inherently worthy of love, respect, and good things, regardless of external achievements or circumstances. Self-confidence is defined as the belief in one's abilities and skills. It is the assurance that you can accomplish tasks, face challenges, and achieve goals.


A book I often suggest to clients and friends is Worthy, by Jamie Kern Lima. She better explains and differentiates in her book as follows:


Self-confidence is what you show on the outside.

Self-worth is what you feel on the inside.


Self-confidence is based on mastery.

Self-worth is based on identity.


Self-confidence is what you can do.

Self-worth is who you are.


Self-confidence is believing you’re skilled enough.

Self-worth is believing you ARE enough.


Self-confidence fluctuates based on your environment.

Self-worth is stable through every environment.


Self-confidence is fragile.

Self-worth is foundational.


Self-confidence is the belief in your abilities as a person.

Self-worth is the belief in your value as a person.


Self-confidence is “I’m striving to earn love.”

Self-worth is knowing “I am love.”


Self-confidence gives you drive.

Self-worth gives you peace.


Self-confidence is optional.

Self-worth is essential.


Self-confidence eventually surrenders.

Self-worth ultimately prevails.


Self-worth is your foundation.

Self-confidence is the house you build on top of it.

Your house will only ever be as secure as the foundation it’s built upon.


I challenge you to consider what your house is being built on?

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