What different about your eyebrows?
Jun 13, 2024My sister is my absolute best friend. Deanne is also the person that is the most honest with me, whether I like it or not. Recently, while going against the Romantic Classic Style ID that I am, I tried something trendy. I got my eyebrows laminated, and wasn't sure how I felt about them. If you're like my sister and said in your head, 'what the heck is that?', I've got you. Zoom in on my face above or click here.
After two weeks of not hearing feedback from ANYONE on my new fluffy eyebrows, I was starting to think they must not be that noticeable and must fit my face nicely. With my over-abundance of confidence, I fluffed them a bit more and was coincidently knocked down a peg or two. I get a call from Deanne and when a lull in the conversation occurred, she posed the question, "Did you do something different with your eyebrows?". Preparing for a compliment, I confidently answered with a 'Yes!'.
"Yeah, I don't like them. They look weird.", says Deanne.
At this point, I'm dying laughing. Deanne will be the first to tell you she could care less about fashion, style and/or beauty, but she does know what she does and doesn't like in those areas. Apparently, laminated eyebrows can get added to the do-not-like list.
Now, let me be clear. Deanne does not stifle my ambitions, goals or dreams. She might question me on them or help me see another side but when it comes to the important stuff in life, she's my biggest advocate. But I want her to question me. I want to be challenged, yet in a kind and respectful way. That's how we improve!
Is there someone in your life who you respect, whose opinion matters to you, who is truly honest with you? Run ideas past them! Nurture a relationship with them to have that person who you know will share their thoughts and concerns. That's what Mastermind Groups through Denise Tallcott Leadership provide. You'll never regret it!
If you're wondering, I changed my next appointment to a normal eyebrow wax. I'll keep the volume to the hair on the top of my head.
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