You Are Experiencing An Emotion. Don't label yourself as the negative emotion.

Aug 15, 2024

I'm sure all of us can think of a time when we said, "I'm anxious today." or "Ugh, I'm angry." or "I'm scared.". Yes, we all experience negative emotions from time to time but read that again, we experience them. We are not them. 


Anxiousness is an emotion. Anger is an emotion. Fear is an emotion. I believe emotions are learned programs. We control what we tell ourselves to believe based on our reaction to a situation or thought. Again, we control what we tell ourselves.  


I like to tell myself, and coaching clients, that we are experiencing the emotion, but you are not that specific emotion. We don't want to assume ourselves as being that negative feeling because our brain believes what we tell it. Our brain is a powerful tool, and our body begins to feel and act on the direction we give it- good and bad. So rather than say "I'm anxious today.", I encourage you to label what is making you feel anxious, and reword the story you're telling yourself.  


For example, try telling yourself "I'm not anxious today. I'm feeling anxiousness because I didn't prepare enough for this meeting.", or whatever the situation is that's causing you to feel anxious. Instead of saying "I'm angry.", consider "I'm feeling a bit angry because someone didn't listen to directions like I asked.". See the difference? You are experiencing anger but you are not angry. There is a difference, and you'll feel the impact of swapping this thought. 


You have the biggest impact on yourself more than anyone. Feed your mind with language that lifts you up rather than brings you down. You've got this. 

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